Please contact these services directly as they accept self-referral. No need to contact your GP.
FCS Talking Therapies, download an information leaflet (PDF, 303KB)
Medway Talking Therapy: 0300 029 3000
Samaritans: 116 123
Mental Health Matters: 0800 107 0160
Single Point of Access: If you need urgent or emergency mental health help and support: 0800 783 9111
Live Well Kent: provide free mental health support for people aged 17+: 0800 567 7699
Megan has a range of support groups who have experienced mental health: 01634 402077
Medway Citizen Advice: 01634 383760
Turn 2 Us find out about entitlement to benefits:
Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop, offers free advice, information and support from a range of agencies under one roof. Tuesday 9.30pm to 12.00pm: Sunlight Centre, Richmond Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 1LX
For further information please visit to find out local services across Kent and Medway.