We have established The Kings Family Practice Patient Participation Group, which meet regularly every quarter. We would like to welcome new members so if you are interested email kingsfamilypractice@nhs.net or speak with one of our administrators at the surgery.
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is normally made up of practice staff and patients that are representative of the practice population. In some cases, the PPG could be facilitated by patients with no practice involvement. The main aim of the PPG is to ensure that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided and, over time, commissioned by the practice.
Using the PPG, we can promote the proactive engagement of patients and to seek views from practice patients through the use of local practice surveys. The outcomes of the engagement and the views of patients are published on this site.
Minutes 27th June 2023 (DOCX, 18KB)
Minutes 24th March 2023 (DOCX, 36KB)
Virtual PPG Meeting Minutes at King’s Family Practice 19/08/21 (DOCX, 15KB)